Brand identity

Your Digital Construction
Your Digital Construction


SIGNAX logo is presented in three main versions: for dark backgrounds, for light backgrounds and universal with branded gradient background. All three versions can be found in the archive.

Color palette

Design is based on the contrast of dark blue, blue and light gray colors.

SIGNAX Gradient #2D4E67 – #112538
Dark blue #102538
Blue #0695D7
Primary gray #ECF0F3
Black #000000
Gray #5B5B5B
Light gray #DCDCDC
Medium gray #B6BEC7
Deep gray #8F98A1
Deep blue #0675D7
Light blue #8EDDFF
Destructive red #FF4758
Violet #8D90FF
Light violet #BFC1FF
Yellow #F2C94C
Positive green #4FCDA6